June 2010
Sometimes it gives me concern what I have done to my country as a writer, I keep feeling biased, I have not done much to bring this change that I have dreamt for, I looked back at my great stories; I have told some amazing stories that influenced campuses, yes when I was still a child, yet I had felt guilty when I consult my spirit and lift the brushings of fiction that beatified my stories, then I felt I have fooled the public.
I don’t know if it is with my conscience that I wish to reveal my June Diary. Just a summery of it for my readers to Judge, if they Judge it well, then I shall subdue my conscience and stand up tall to demand for this change that I want in Africa
Early this June I was leaving the life of a robot, waking up at early hours of the morning, preparing for work with few lines of prayers on my lips and billions of expectations because of my faith. I wondered why I would pray long this June when there is no sin in my system and all I could pray about is a grant of my expectations.
I was feeding my eyes in lust with good pictures of new friends I make in the internet, hoping to hang out with them; though with me, I felt it was a mountain of fantasies that I am climbing.
Mountain of fantasies? Well not so sure because I believe in everything so it never occurred to me that my ego drove me.
I met some beautiful ladies I would have loved to go out with but Abuja to me is play with the rules or plug the skull of a life Rubicon.
The month opened with surprise but off course June has been a memorable month in my life. Four out of six of my mother’s children celebrate their birthday in June, as careless as I am, I hardly know who owns 2nd, 3rd or on the 23rd but I believe those days to be my closer ones birthdays. But mine is January, yes zodiac aquarium. That’s what I am. I remembered CHIBYKE.s birthday call on the 2nd of June and I off course gave him a call. He’s my elder brother and he is a priest. As a computer science graduate of UNN, I wondered what he was enjoying in missionary works, but I wrinkled in believe when I saw the passion of believe of God in him.
He sounded cracked on phone that early morning of 2nd June, but I pardoned him for he preaches a lot. He was glad to have heard from me and with his ever encouraging manner, he liked my call. He is always glad now that God has given us basic understanding of life.
He asked me which state I was and I told him, then he asked me about every of our other nieces that we all loved onyinye and chiamaka. So lovely I will call them.
After chibyke’s birthday, my mind was flamed into the spirit in me to acquire more, and then I started concentrating on my daily online writing job. A lot of other old-time friends that I poked again on facebook, it was there birthday also.
Then on the 4th of June, chinonye called me when I was in the office. as my mood tells me, my mom was always in my heart and my aunty Teresa who is married to a cannon in the Anglican but above all, I could only talk my problems over with CHINONYE, because she lives like a Christian she lived with me in ENUGU, we were reading physics together. She is married to an Anglican senior priest so she behaves like a Christian young girl. Then she was 24years old. I had to wish her happy birthday I missed it that 3rd June and on the 4th morning she called me. After her quarrels and my pleadings, she took care of my in competency right there on the phone and that is the uniqueness she has. I slept that forth night four states away from her but with good wishes that will make us change great gifts and snaps. TO BE CONTINIUED